Splat Gallery

Submit your 3D captures

We’re excited to show the best 3D captures in Splat Gallery! If you have a photorealistic 3D model you’d like to share, we’d love to showcase it.

Once the model is processed and published on the gallery page, you will be able to share it with your audience.

We’ll review your submission and get back to you within 24 hours. We aim to publish all models as quickly as possible if they meet our quality standards - in general, each model should be reconstructed without any major artifacts from all 360 degree angles around it. Exceptionally good models will be highlighted in the Featured section of the gallery for a period of time.

How to Submit

For now, you can send us an email at splatgallery@martinpiala.com with your 3D model attached as a .zip file, or simply include a link to your model hosted on a file-sharing service like Google Drive or Dropbox.

What Files to Submit

We currently accept the following types of submissions:

Trained Gaussian Splatting Scenes

Submit .ply files of your trained Gaussian Splatting scene. We recommend using Nerfstudio to create these models for best results.

It is recommended to attach a thumbnail image of the scene we can use. Otherwise, we will render your model to generate the thumbnail.

Images or Videos

If you don’t have a trained scene ready, no worries! You can submit a set of images or a video of the object or environment you want to capture, and we’ll take care of processing and training the scene for you.